Getting Started Welcome to the Nutrisail Affiliate Plans

Nutrisail Affiliate Plan for Customers and Professionals

Welcome to the documentation and training for the Nutrisail Affiliate Rewards and Brand Pro Bonus Opportunities

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Nutrisail is a family-owned passion project that launched in early 2015. With a small—but powerful—product line we've grown tremendously. Through that growth has emerged a culture of enthusiastic, passionate fans of our products who continually share Nutrisail with others. We reward their endorsements with product credit and cash!

First things first. Let's introduce our two types of affiliates and the different ways they are rewarded for their referral efforts.

Next: Brand Fan VS Brand Pro

Update! Changelog and News for our new Training/Documentation Section

Expect constant updates and fixes on our new Training/Documentation pages

So many great things are happening as we kick this new year off!

We will eventually have a pdf version of our affiliate plans, but this is where we're going to build it out and test the material to your liking. Also—videos are in the works!


Here's our intitial documentation!
Yes—it's a little rough—so you'll have to bear with us while we get it polished and more robust. You'll see this change and evolve a lot over the coming months into a very user-friendly and detailed repository of everything Nutrisail. To see the latest updates, view the Changelog tab.


We're building this based on your feedback. So please send us any questions, comments, ideas, bugs, typos, etc.

Send Feedback


Here is a chronological archive of updates we've made to this documentation since it was pushed live on Jan-19-2018. We'll keep this as updated and detailed as we can.

01.24.19 | 2:20 PM CST — Added Changelog and new Bonus Time/Schedule Explanation section with graphics

Check out the new explainer page on how our Bonus Weeks Payout!

01.22.19 | 2:00 PM CST — Sidebar/Table of Contents Fixed

To rush this out before the call last Saturday, almost all the focus went to the content and not the navigation/structure of this help section. We removed the in-page sidebar and updated the menu-sidebar and cleaned up the links quite a bit. Now you should see a slimmer sidebar when you're on a laptop or desktop and you'll see the menu icon to open the sidebar on mobile/tablet view. Lots more fixes coming soon!

01.19.19 | 10:30 AM CST — Help Docs pushed live

Nutrisail Help Docs is our initial informational area on everything about our customer and professional affiliate plans and opportunity as well as a detailed resource for everything Nutrisail. It will be continually updated, added-to, cleaned-up, etc. as we go.

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