eSample 5-Credit Pack |
Making the sample--simple with eSamples. Includes a bundle of 5 eSamples.
Brand Fan Price
Regular Price
Making the sample - simple
This eSample credit pack includes (5) eSample credits!
Once you buy eSample credits, you can use the credits to dropship an official B-LITE and/or B-LITE|XTRA try-me pack to any new prospect in the continental U.S.
Each eSample package you dropship will contain
- (3) Try-Me Packs of either B-LITE, B-LITE|XTRA, UP2PAR, Hangover Magic, Morzinga Hydrate (Berry Blast or Lemon Lime), or Morzinga Energy (Berry Blast or Lemon Lime), or CORE4, or Morzinga Gold. Each Try-Me pack contains 3 capsules or 1 stick of our Morzinga Hydrate or Energy Mix.
- A personalized letter from our CEO, Dave Austin, with YOUR name on it as the courtesy sender
- YOUR contact information (email, phone number, replicated url*)
- USPS First-Class postage included in the eSample price
Once you purchase your eSample credits, you can learn how to send and schedule eSamples, manage and view sent or offered* eSamples, and see your history of previously send eSamples on your eSample Dashboard (located under Share Portal in the backoffice navigation menu).
A few important things to note about eSamples...
- There is no shipping cost to you when purchasing an eSample kit because nothing is shipped to you. You are essentially purchasing a (5) 3ct Try-Me Pack Kit of samples plus pre-paying for first-class shipping for each of the 5 eSamples that you will be able to dropship to your prospects
- You cannot send eSamples to yourself. The eSample program is exclusively for sharing with customers
- If and when other Nutrisail products, such as Morzinga B, become available in the 3ct Try-Me Packs, we will add it into the options of available Try-Me pack combos to send
- Yes, eSample kits are available to be set as your autoship
- All eSamples will be shipped within 2 business days from the date that you or your 'samplee' provides us with their shipping address
- If you want to send someone an eSample, and you do not have their address, you can email them an 'eSample offer' which will trigger an email to them with a link to go to your replicated website and provide their shipping address.
- When scheduling to dropship an eSample to a new prospect, you can designate which team (left or right) you would like them to be placed should they sign up to be a Brand Fan.
- A training video for the eSample program is in the works!
* Right now, we can only generate your full replicated url (i.e. on the personalized letter. In the future, we will make the contact info, including this url on the personalized letter editable
Any questions, suggestions or other feedback on our eSample program and eSample credits? This program is brand new and we're very excited about it and if there is room for improvement, we want to hear it from you! Please contact us and let us know!

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